Have you ever had that little voice telling you can’t or you aren’t worthy?

We all have thoughts that go through our head, in fact we approximately 60,000 thoughts a day and of those thoughts approximately 60% of them are negative. So how does this affect us?

Well you may have heard the saying “to think is to create”, scripture actual says “as a man thinketh so is he in his heart”. I have that little voice in my head that says you’re not worthy, this is the most prominent one I hear, after extensive research I discovered that this is a story, belief & program I chose to believe at a young age. Now as a Christian I now know that this was put in my head by Satan and I chose to believe this statement. I have carried this belief through the majority of my life which has affected my life in a negative way. The major thing is that it has held me back from serving God, today it does not hold me back at the level it has in the past.

What are the voices (negative self-talk) you tell yourself?

2Corrintians 10:5 we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

How can you replace those thoughts with positive ones?

By: E5
