This can be difficult, especially when we have been let down!
Do you have a hard time trusting people and giving your all in relationships because you are guarded?
Often we withhold from giving our all in relationships because of fear or a negative past experience. The truth is in order to have depth to a relationship you have to have trust or it will not survive. Now there is a time when you are getting to know someone that you should be guarded to an extent until you know that person or if you are dealing with untrustworthy people. In life it is important to surround yourself with people that you feel safe around and that you feel you can be vulnerable with. The relationship that means the most is the one you have with God, if there is no trust then you cannot experience all that is there for you.
This verse is one of my ROCKS: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Where in your life are you not trusting the LORD?
What can you do to trust him more?
By: E5