Is your thinking in line with what you want to produce?
Many times in our life our thinking does not line up with what we want to produce. For instance, we have lots of thoughts that do not show kindness to ourselves. Thoughts can create a belief and if we are not careful we can begin to believe a lie. Here is an example in my life: After years of self-evaluation and seeking God I discovered that I have been living with a belief that I am not good enough. This seems to have stemmed from an event that occurred when I was a kid. I asked my Dad to come to one of my sporting events. My Dad is a very hard worker and a great provider for our family. My dad’ s response “I am busy making money you will thank me later.†As a kid, I felt and heard that I was not good enough and money was more important. This was not what my father said, but that is what I chose to believe. Looking back now and being a Father myself, I believe my Dad was saying, “as the Man of the house you have to provide for your family.†but as a youngster I heard something different.
Be careful as Satan is alive and well and he does his most effective work in the mind. This negative self-talk has hindered me from being all I can be and who God wants me to be.
Here is the truth: Isaiah 55:8 “My thoughts are nothing like thoughts,†says the Lord.†And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
What thought in your past has molded you negatively today?
What thought can you replace it with that will line up with God?
By E5
The song by Casting Crowns speaks into this “The Voice of Truthâ€