Have you ever just sat and watched an ant?
Think about Gods creation for a moment, the ant is one of them. I was watching the aunts one day in the desert and thought look how tiny this little insect is and the all seem to be working together.
How the heck do they know that they need to store up their food so they can survive? They help each other and seem to have order in their little colony. We can learn a lot from ants:
• Save up and don’t eat everything so you don’t have anything for a rainy day (this can mean not spending every dime you have).
• We are all here for one common goal so work together
• If someone is in trouble help them out
Check out this scripture: Proverbs 30.25 Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food for the summer.
Where in your life can you learn from these truths?
By: E5