What happens when you change?
If you are vigilant in becoming Christ like, then you are constantly evolving into a different person. There are people that knew you years ago and think that you are the same person but reality shows that you are not. Life lessons can make you think and evaluate your reactions, the next time the same lesson comes your way you react differently. As your reaction changes with your life experiences you are becoming a different person.
An example would be someone that is holding onto a grudge about something someone did. Sometimes they don’t even remember the circumstance or maybe it is something that would seem petty today but they hold on to the grudge. Holding on to the grudge will not change the other person or the outcome. Letting go will set the other person free and set their own self free. This requires change. You may even discover that the other person has changed once you let go of the grudge that maybe the person is not the same person today as they once were.
Reflect on who you were 5 years ago and what is different today?
By: E5