Have you ever experienced the “I shouldn’t have?â€
This has been one of the most challenging things in my life; most of us have at least one area that this is a challenge in. For me it is a whole lot of areas: The Challenge area today is in the food area and I cannot tell you how many times in the past 6 months I have said I shouldn’t have. One of my favorites is bread, now I do pretty well but when I go to a restaurant and they put that hot warm basket in from of me it’s all over. I find myself leaving the restaurant having eaten at least 4-6 rolls feeling bloated. Now some of you are thinking I don’t have a challenge with that but I want to to look in your life to see where you lack this important fruit of the spirit “self-controlâ€.
It may be one of these: time management, over working, anger, speaking, driving, judging, physical-throwing or punching something or someone, food, sex, alcohol, drugs, women or men, Multimedia, etc.
One of the things that have supported me in having more self-control is to pause when agitated and another one is put a rubber-band on your wrist and snap it when you are feeling like reacting.
We gain self-control through Love as described in the book of Galatians chapter 5 and in the program “Conquering Chaos with Loveâ€
Where in your life to you need to improve your self control?
By: E5