How would you rate the quality of life you have?
I have over 12 years of sobriety from Alcohol and drugs. It is easy to get prideful on the quantity of time I have in sobriety, but the truth is what really matters is the quality. I am continually evaluating my thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors to see if I am in alignment with scriptures.
My goal is to strive to not compare myself to anyone else except who I used to be, who I am now and who I want to be. As a Christian my goal is to become more Christ like!
I also look at marriages as an important life relationship. In looking at marriages of friends, family and acquaintances – it is interesting to see those that not only have the higher number of years together, but who are successful at having a loving marriage. Really what do the years matter if the two are unhappy, angry and bitter?
Where in your life can you make changes to exhibit more Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control?
By: E5