A simple 2 letter word can be difficult to say or easy!
For me this has been one of the most difficult words to say as I want to do everything and try to please everyone. Afterwards, I am kicking myself because I have over committed and I’m feeling overwhelmed. This does not happen as often as it used to. I have friends that have told me that it is easy to say no and it leaves them either feeling peaceful or uneasy.
I have found that Balance is the key, as well as not reacting quickly. Now when I am approached, I do not have to have an answer immediately. I let myself have time to digest whatever it is and the commitment it may involve.
Matthew 5:37 – But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. Is it easy or hard for you to say no?
By: E5