Do you ever experience a feeling that catches you off guard?

I recently had a friend tell me that he started crying one morning and had no Idea why. Sometimes we do not have to have a reason, feelings come and go and it is ok to feel them. I was talking with a counselor one time and they told me it is good to feel and let it flow through. When we fight, suppress or avoid our feeling, this is usually when we go to unhealthy behaviors.

By holding on to hurtful feelings our health is affected. There was a time in my life that I was feeling resentful and hurt and as a result I got sick and stayed that way for months. I look back now and can see that I was harboring resentment and bitterness. Once I let go, forgave and accepted the situation, my health began to improve.

Look how a river is constantly flowing and stays fresh and then look at a pond that is stagnant where it has a stale smell to it. Things are better when they flow!

Think of a time that you allowed yourself to feel and afterwards you felt better.

By: E5
