Is God #1 in your life?
I was reading the book “Counterfeit GODS” by Timothy Keller and realized I had many IDOLS in my life.
Here is a great definition of Idols: Anything so central and essential to your life that, should you lose it, your life would feel hardly worth living, anything that you put before GOD. It can include People, places and things: ie-Busyness, person, money, power, sex, personal achievement, pride, wanting to please everyone, unable to say no, TV program, Facebook, Telephone, church, etc. Now the key is to look at these areas in your life and determine if you are exhibiting and obsessive/compulsive behaviors toward a specific area.
Keep in mind these things are not bad it’s just if it takes the #1 position above God then you are not TRUSTING GOD! One of the signs that an object is functioning as an Idol is that fear becomes one of the chief characteristics of life!
Now go out and Trust, Believe and Love! By: E5