How does one detach?
When I learned this incredible tool my life changed and I became more peaceful. Detachment is not right/wrong, good/bad or kind/unkind it is simply separating ourselves from that which is affecting us adversely. It is no longer feeling responsible for another’s behavior or trying to fix it. To detach yourself first acknowledge that something is affecting you, then set a boundary for yourself and choose an effective way to maintain your boundary. Maintaining a boundary can be done by distancing yourself physically and/or emotionally for a period of time, or simply STOP trying to make changes in the other person’s life (let them live the life they are choosing which also can mean let them feel the consequences of their choices/actions).
Earlier on in life I would disengage when I felt hurt by another’s behavior. I would stop talking, get angry, withdraw, shut down and become passive/aggresive. This was highly ineffective in creating a healthy and loving relationship. Now I know that I can detach with love, I may not like their behavior but I still love them. The key is to focus on God and ourselves.
Where in your life will you use Detachment with love?
By: E5