Have you ever had feelings of hopelessness?

My life has been filled with moments of hopelessness and despair to the point where I have considered taking my life. The crazy thing is that everything in my life can be great, but out of the blue I experience feelings of hopelessness and despair. Years ago I could not understand how someone could take their life, until the day came when I was overwhelmed with the feelings of Terror, Despair, Bewilderment, and frustration. I was done,and started a plan to end my life. I called a friend that I spoke to daily, and I was able to share my true feelings with them and that conversation gave me a glimpse of hope. You would not be reading this if I had not experienced that glimpse of hope.

I am thankful I did not take the next step and kill myself, even though it felt like pure hell to shift my thinking. I have had several friends that have ended their life and I now understand how they could get to the point prior to the act, but I can’t understand the feelings that took them to a level deeper. This deeper level involves hopelessness, without a glimpse of light, if they only had hope or could see the light that would have changed the next action.

Call someone now if you feel this way; if not call someone who may be struggling with depression to give them a glimpse of hope!

By: E5
