How does it feel when you are bitter?

I have be in and out of bitterness several times throughout my life and I have to say being out of it feels far better than in it. My struggle was knowing how to get out of it, isn’t that usually the problem “HOW”. You see the fact was I truly enjoyed sitting in bitterness because there was a payoff and it usually lined up with pride and the need for an adrenalin rush. The next step was to notice where my part was in the resentment and then move into forgiveness.

Christ shows us how to do that time and time again in the scriptures, it’s truly when we step out or pride and into Humility that is the Key. This is actually loving God, you and others. It absolutely does not mean we are to be a doormat or are condoning the behavior of someone else.

Where are you harboring bitterness?

What step can you take to move out of it?

By: E5
