What makes you go to ANGER instantly?

It can be just a comment from someone, it can be a smell, it could just be a thought or you fill in the blank_______________. Whatever it is does not really matter, what matters is WHY? Once you find out the why (What I call the root) then you can make a change.

There were things in my life they would send me to seeing RED (what I call 0-60 ragging) in .1 second flat, it baffles me that today those same things don’t even get a rise out of me. Now you are probably asking HOW, the simple version of how is I changed my thinking. Scripture says take every thought captive, now that is easier said than done so the main thing that helped me is to discover what the root was (basically a story, belief or program) this was usually set in motion sometime in my past.

What is your root and how will you adjust your thinking?

By: E5
