Are you aware of your wounds?
We often go through life with a particular wound that keeps us from moving forward into peace and happiness. If you have had times where in your relationships you get frustrated with people, it is a good idea to dig deeper to see where that feeling is coming from. Often times we find out why- it is revealed that it was from a past wound – a past relationship. Through our lives at one point or another we will experience a letdown. As a result we tend to carry that into our present lives. Many times we do not want to look into the past because it is too painful. Once we do from a Godly perspective and possibly with some guidance from someone trained in that area we can experience freedom. One of the things I can remember that affected me was a past girlfriend that cheated on me; all of my relationships from that point forward were affected.
I had a lack of trust causing each future relationship to suffer until I dug deeper and sought guidance to be able to recognize and deal with the wound. This is an example of a wound that affected every relationship from the time it happened forward. I am now in a very loving and healthy relationship because I took time to dig deeper – I am free and it is possible.
When I go to scripture it’s all about how to have Godly relationships with TRUST being a key factor.
When you feel frustrated ask yourself WHY?
Dig deep…..
By: E5