Do you ever do something that you really wish you had not done?
I have looked back in my life on things that I have done that do not line up with what I really want. One of the area’s is food, I eat certain foods that make me feel bloated and uncomfortable. These foods do not give me the results I want but time and time again I eat them. If I did not eat them I would feel great! So why do I do this? Another simple one is getting sunburned, I go to the beach and know that I can only lay out in the sun for a certain period of time. I start visiting with friends, playing and having fun so I just stay out for the whole day. I maybe even reapplied sunscreen but not enough. That evening I am hurting and can’t sleep because I have a sunburn. I could go on and on with examples that are more extreme but you get the point.
Of course we follow this same pattern with our actions with others as well, at this point we are possibly affecting others.
That is when it truly matters Paul writes about this and describes himself in these verses: Romans 7:19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing.
It takes a conscious mind, fed with the spirit to recognize the pattern and correct the behaviors.
Name one area where this is true in your life?
By: E5