Have you ever felt like you just wanted to give up?
In this life we face various challenges that just drain our energy; this is a tactic that Satan used to give in to his plan for us. The greatest tool that I have used in these situations besides praying is thought replacement, for instance when I have negative thoughts I simply replace that thought for one that is of gratitude.
Our life can always be better or worse, in fact if you switch to “It just is†then we can look at it in a whole new light or how about this “What can I learn from this circumstance?â€
You see we are on a journey and there will be times where our feelings and emotions lead us away from that of which God has for us.
Check out this verse: 1corrinthians 9:24
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?
Run in such a wan as to get the prize. Where in your life do you need to get up and run?
By: E5